Red Pen Logic

Atheist Offers 10 FALLACIES to Disprove God

Are Jesus' Resurrection Appearances a Later Mythological Development?

God of the Gaps? What Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets Wrong

Ms Rachel Gets THIS Wrong about Biblical Love.

Muslim STUMPS Christian With One Verse

This Pastor Doesn't Get How Bible Translations Work

Jesus Said NOTHING About Homosexuality

Was Homosexuality Added to the Bible in 1946?

Fatal Flaws of Deconstructing Christianity | The DeBunked Files: Episode 36

5 Reasons Why God Allows Evil (in 3 Minutes) | Question of the Week

Abortion Logic FAIL

Atheist PROVES You Don't Have a Relationship with God

Atheist Completely DESTROYS Argument He Made Up

God DOES Give You More Than You Can Handle

Why Doesn't God Kill Satan?

Do Christians Pick and Choose? — Red Pen Logic

No, Christmas Is NOT Pagan

Does THIS Bible Verse Support Abortion?

What’s Jesus’ REAL Name? 🤔

Responding to Someone Who WANTS to Go to Hell

The Bible Does NOT Say God is Trans

Progressive Christian Gets John 3:16 Wrong

Atheist ACCIDENTALLY Affirms Objective Morality While Denying It

Did the Catholic Church DETERMINE the Books of the Bible?